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Foto del escritorDiego Hormaechea

La pandemia ha desencadenado un cambio a largo plazo en la forma en que trabajamos...

La pandemia generada por el COVID-19 ha desencadenado un cambio a largo plazo en la forma en que trabajamos. Muy interesante la visión de Anupam Trehan, Directora de Personas y Comunidades en CISCO.


"At Cisco, our focus has been to understand our employees’ priorities and help them through this challenging time. We have shifted all our processes to a virtual format, including hiring, onboarding, training, etc," Anupam Trehan, director of people and communities, Cisco India & SAARC said.

The lines between virtual and physical spaces are blurring, and leaders will need to ensure that their teams are comfortable with working in a virtual space, says Anupam Trehan, director of people and communities, Cisco India & SAARC.

In an interview with ET’s Brinda Sarkar, Trehan says that in this new workplace, the focus will shift from individuals to teams, and the need to reimagine talent processes with technology as an enabler and experience creator will rise.

How have you started approaching talent differently in the post-Covid world?

In the current environment, for most employees, managing their health and safety and that of their loved ones, and staying resilient during a time like this is top-of-mind.

At Cisco, our focus has been to understand our employees’ priorities and help them through this challenging time. We have shifted all our processes to a virtual format, including hiring, onboarding, training, etc.

Our employee resource organisations (EROs) connect with the larger communities to lend support wherever necessary, and we have introduced new offerings for our people leaders to continue to stay connected and engaged with their teams.

Additionally, our global check-in sessions with the executive leadership team and doctors allow our employees to get insights on the pandemic from experts, as well as updates on business, and ask questions.

Covid-19 has reminded us that people take precedence over everything else, and we believe that at this time, empathy and care anchored in an inclusive mindset are crucial.

What changes are you seeing in the talent landscape right now?

Most significantly, this pandemic has triggered a mindset change amongst leaders across industries, who are now viewing work as an activity, not a specific place. As they prepare to start operating in the new normal, the lines between virtual and physical spaces will need to blur, and leaders will need to ensure that their teams are comfortable with working in a virtual space.

In this new workplace, the focus will shift from individuals to teams, and the need to reimagine talent processes with technology as an enabler and experience creator will rise.

We will start to see tremendous innovation – right from reimagining traditional processes and go-to-market engines, to new solutions – as organisations prioritise ensuring fairness in the new workplace, and offering a consistent and enhanced employee experience, unhindered by location.

How are you prioritising diversity and inclusion? Do you have specific initiatives lined up for the next few month

Building a diverse workforce supported by an inclusive culture is no longer an option but a business imperative across all industries.

At Cisco, we see inclusion and collaboration as essential to fuelling what we call “the power of connection”.

Connecting diverse perspectives helps spark new ideas, explore new possibilities, tap into the power of digital transformation, and inspire innovation. We will continue to focus on full-spectrum diversity in the time to come.

What are the biggest challenges confronting CHROs today? How should they deal with these challenges?

The pandemic has triggered a ubiquitous and long-term change in the way we work. Now, it’s about reimagining work and the workplace keeping both internal and external stakeholders in mind – employees, vendors, partners, customers, etc.

The balance required between external factors, customer and business requirements, along with people and talent needs, will be key. This is not an easy task, as it may require a review of and relook at some of our traditional talent processes, coupled with revised regulations that may need influencing.

In the new world, leveraging technology to reinvent employee experience will be of paramount importance. To understand the evolving talent landscape, knowledge can serve as the most significant advantage.

People leaders need to speak to their peers and even competitors to understand what the new normal means for their teams, and identify the areas where they need to affect change to ensure their employees’ safety, productivity and happiness.

What does the workplace of the future look like?

Today, organisations across industry, from small to large scale enterprises, including banks and governments, schools, and small businesses, entrepreneurs, and individuals, are exploring a hybrid work environment – a blend of physical and virtual offices.

In these hybrid workplaces, ensuring employee safety, security, productivity, and experience across a flexible and distributed working environment will be the top focus area.

To enable this, collaboration without compromise is key, and the need for digital platforms that provide strong encryption, compliance visibility, and control, and seamless, consistent experience will increase.

At the same time, organisations must start designing the future workplace based on the lessons and practices implemented during the crisis, an important aspect of which is fostering a culture of inclusion, care, and respect across physical as well as virtual workspaces.

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